Branding Kit
Our Branding Kit
Need to use our assets?
We’ve put together at set of brand guidelines to help you effectively make use of our assets, whether that be our logo, fonts, colours, or supporting graphics.

Our Logo
There are 2 version of the Yü Energy logo, long and square, each with a full colour and white variant. Whenever possible the square version should be used, unless the longer version would be more impactful. Similarly, the full colour logo should be used, unless the background makes it difficult to read, in which case the white logo is required.
For details on spacing, flat printing and manipulation restrictions, please see our full brand guidelines.

Brand Colours
Many of the colours that we use can be seen within our logo, including black for the word ‘Energy’, as well as yellow and red to create an eye catching gradient. We also use a flat orange, which sits in the middle of our gradient.
For specifications of these colours and how to use them, please see our full brand guidelines.

The primary typeface used for Yü Energy is Kanit. This is a
bold and strong font family that should always be used in
display for headings and large format.
We also have a secondary typeface used for all online
and offline communications. It’s called Open Sans, a
great font with many weights.

Supporting Imagery
The majority of the imagery we use is edited to make the subject stand out. This is done by carefully cutting the element we want to draw attention to and placing our gradient over the background.
For more in depth details on what imagery we find acceptable and how to edit them to keep with our brand, please see our full brand guidelines.