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5 Sustainability Tips to Help Your Hospitality Business Go Green

We all want to do our bit for the planet, but getting started can be tricky. Sustainability in hospitality has become increasingly important for those running hospitality businesses, as customers are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment and expect businesses to take eco-friendly measures.

But when there are so many moving parts to keep track of as a business owner, it’s hard to find time to create a sustainability plan. So we’ve made it simple to start. In this blog, we’ll provide 5 tips to help your hospitality business go green and promote sustainability.

Image of plastic bottles to promote sustainability in hospitality businesses

1. Target ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’

One of the best ways to start making your hospitality business more sustainable is by targeting “low-hanging fruit”. This refers to simple and easy-to-implement changes that can have a big impact on your businesses sustainability efforts. Start by analysing your premises, and identifying any quick-fixes. Here’s 3 examples to get you started.

Implementing recycling bins: This is a simple and effective way to reduce waste and promote sustainability in your hospitality business. Encourage staff and customers to recycle by placing clearly marked bins throughout your establishment and on your grounds. Placing recycling bins both indoors and outdoors can also help to reduce littering. Contact your waste management service for advice on getting started with recycling.

Swapping to LED lightbulbs: LED lightbulbs are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than traditional incandescent bulbs. This simple swap can help reduce your energy consumption and costs.

Reducing single-use plastics: Single-use plastics, such as plastic straws and water bottles, are a major contributor to plastic pollution. Reduce your impact by offering customers reusable options or biodegradable alternatives. If you offer a takeaway service, you could also create an incentive scheme that offers a discount or other benefit, when customers bring their own reusable cup or container.

Image of a windfarm showing green energy

2. Switch to a Green Energy Plan

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, are becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to promote sustainability. If you’re able to install solar panels on your building, it can be a great way to start generating your own renewable energy. However, this isn’t always achievable and can be a big investment. By switching to a green energy plan instead, you can ensure that your energy usage comes from renewable sources, or is offset and reinvested in sustainability initiatives, with little effort or expense. This not only helps the environment, but can also improve your business’s reputation.

image of someone cleaning using eco friendly cleaning products in hospitality

3. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Traditional cleaning products often contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. By switching to eco-friendly cleaning products, such as biodegradable soaps and detergents, you can reduce the impact of chemicals on the environment. These products are not only better for the environment but can also be better for your customers and employees, as they are often gentler and more natural. With so many eco-friendly cleaning products on the market, and more emerging every week, it’s a simple change to make to promote sustainability in your hospitality business.

Image of an electric vehicle with charger plugged in

4. Encourage the Use of EV Vehicles

Transportation is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging the use of electric vehicles (EVs), you can help reduce your business’s impact on the environment. You can do this by installing EV charging points in your car park. This not only offers another service to your customers, but can help draw in new customers, as your business would be added to maps of EV charging points. It also encourages customers to spend longer periods of time with you, as they wait for their vehicle to charge.

Image of food scraps encouraging hospitality businesses to reduce food waste

5. Cut Down on Food Waste

Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and landfills. It is estimated that around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste is produced in the UK, and is associated with more than 25 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Regularly review your stock rooms and buying habits, to make sure you’re not over-buying food that could end up being thrown away, and that ingredients with shorter expiry dates are used first.

By donating food waste from your kitchen, you can also reduce the impact of food waste on the environment. Not only will this lower your environmental impact, but will help support your local community by contributing to food banks or shelters. Research local charities to see who is accepting food donations, and what items they are accepting.

You could also consider composting food waste from your kitchen, a great way to recycle food scraps and reduce the amount of waste that’s sent to landfill. You can find lots of easy composting guides on the internet to help you get started. If your business has no use for the compost once its made, or if you’re struggling to compost food waste yourself, consider reaching out to local allotments or community gardening groups to donate compost and food waste to.

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Start Promoting Sustainability in Your Hospitality Business

Prioritising sustainability in the hospitality industry is becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to appeal to eco-conscious customers and reduce their impact on the environment. By implementing these 5 tips, you can start making your hospitality business greener and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. If you’d like to get a quote for a green energy plan, check out our instant business energy quote page.

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