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We’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with Clear Business.

Our partnership with Clear Business means you’ll continue to receive reliable, great value business energy, with all the benefits and support of a trusted, leading energy supplier. You’re in safe hands with Clear Business and Yü Energy.

What happens next?

We’re working with Clear Business to transfer your energy supply. If you entered into an electricity and/or gas contract with Clear Business which is no longer within a fixed term, your contract to will be transferred to Yü Energy. If you’re a deemed customer, you’ll be a deemed customer with Yü Energy. Any outstanding balance in relation to your energy services will also be transferred to Yü Energy

You’ll shortly receive a welcome pack from us, which you should keep an eye out for. This will include your new account number and some other useful information. As your electricity and/or gas services will be provided by Yü Energy, we will be your licensed supplier, so you’ll be on our terms and conditions, which can be found here.

If you need to talk about your electricity and/or gas services, you’ll need to speak to our team at Yü Energy. We can be contacted on 0115 865 6693. Our team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.If you take other products such as payments, mobile or water through Clear Business, you’ll still need to speak to the team at Clear Business on 0333 014 3131. They are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.We know you’ll probably have some questions about the new partnership, so we’ve put together some of the most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answer to your question below, just give Clear Business a call on 0333 014 3131 and they will be there to help.

Will there be any disruption to my supply?

No, your service(s) will remain unaffected by the change.

Will there be any changes to my terms and conditions?

As Yü Energy will be your licensed supplier, you’ll move to our terms and conditions, which can be viewed here. There are some differences between your current terms and conditions and Yü Energy’s terms and conditions. The key differences have been listed below:

4.1 (e) if you are a Non-Micro business you agree not to exceed the capacity agreed with your Network Operator. If you exceed such capacity, Yü Energy shall pass through to you any additional costs imposed on Yü Energy by your Network Operator (or otherwise incurred).

4.1 (h) if you are a Non-Micro business, you agree to provide Yü Energy with a list of expected shutdown and holiday periods at the premises, together with estimates of utility usage that will be consumed during these periods. You also agree to provide estimates of utility usage that would be consumed if such shutdowns or holidays were not to occur. You shall provide those estimates at least one week in advance.

5.6 (e) and (g) If, at any time during your agreement, your credit risk status deteriorates to any degree as deemed by Yü Energy or as reported by one or more Credit Bureaus, or your account with Yü Energy becomes overdue, Yü Energy may:

  • request a written confirmation from you (in such form as determined by Yü Energy) that your business is a going concern;

  • request that you install a smart meter in pre-pay mode for the purposing of recovering any outstanding debt.

6.4 Any charges incurred by Yü Energy as a result of meter reading visits outside the normal meter reading cycle, or of visits for work including, for example, change of measurement class, supply upgrades, transfer of metering equipment and your failure to accommodate such appointments, or other charges levied by industry participants will be chargeable to and payable by you unless in fulfilment by Yü Energy of a legal obligation.

6.9 (a) and (h) If you fail to pay any undisputed amounts due to Yü Energy under your agreement by the due date for payment, then, without limiting Yü Energy’s remedies:

  • Yü Energy may remotely or manually disconnect your utility supply or, where appropriate metering equipment is installed, transfer your credit account to a prepayment account;

  • Yü Energy may request that you install a smart meter at the premises and switch the meter to pre-pay mode.

7.6 You shall provide at least 1 valid meter read to Yü Energy in every 6 month period.

7.19 (a) Where your agreement is subject to the installation of a smart meter, Yü Energy, or a designated metering partner, will conduct a site visit to install a SMETS 2 meter. Wherever possible Yü Energy will arrange a suitable date and time to attend your site. Where this is not possible Yü Energy may attend site without an appointment to install your meter known as a Deemed Appointment. In the event that you refuse a smart meter, the property is deemed unsuitable for installation or your deemed appointment is unsuccessful, Yü Energy reserves the right to modify the pricing terms of your agreement to the Smart Default Rate or the Freedom Rate. Additionally, Yü Energy may request a security deposit until such time that a smart meter is successfully installed. If it is determined that a SMETS2 meter cannot be installed in your property, Yü Energy reserves the right to terminate your agreement.

9.1 (j) Yü Energy may vary any charges, including the agreed Supply Rates or pass through to you any higher or additional costs if:

  • you refuse a Smart Meter installation;

  • Yü Energy are unable to contact you to arrange a Smart Meter installation;

  • you cancel a Smart Meter installation date or the installation does not take place for any other reason; or

  • your property is unsuitable for a Smart Meter.

11.2 (a) Yü Energy’s total liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with this agreement shall not exceed the average monthly payment due from you for the relevant premise or £100,000, whichever is lower.

13.2 (d), (f), (g), (j) and (k) Yü Energy may terminate your agreement on notice with immediate effect in respect of any or all of the premises if:

  • you suspend, or threaten to suspend, or cease or threaten to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of your business;

  • you cease to be a party to or are in material breach of your obligations under the Network Operator’s terms of connection;

  • any of your management have been involved in a business which has vacated or ceased trading at any of the premises or at your registered address with overdue utility payments outstanding to Yü Energy under a separate agreement;

  • Yü Energy have not been able to gain access to the metering equipment;

  • your agreement is subject to a Smart Meter installation and you have refused the installation of a SMETS2 meter, or your property is not suitable for the installation of a SMETS2 meter.

13.3 (b) You may terminate your agreement if you cease to be the owner or occupier of the premises and you:

  • give at least 30 days’ notice;

  • provide Yü Energy with your new address;

  • provide Yü Energy with the details of the new owner or occupier of the premises.

Under these circumstances a change of tenancy fee will be added to your final bill.

Will my rates change?

If you’re out of contract or on deemed rates, the rates you pay will change. We’ve sent you a letter confirming the new rates.

If you’d like to enter into a new fixed term contract, Clear Business will be happy to help you. Call them on 0161 552 6311. They are available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

If you’re currently in a fixed term contract, there’s no change to the rates you’re paying.

My contract is coming up for renewal, what will happen?

Around 60 days before your contract is due to end, Clear Business will send you a renewal letter, which includes important information such as what happens at the end of your contract, the price you’ll pay once your contract ends, and what you need to do if you want to transfer your services to another provider.

We’d love to talk to you about a further fixed period. If you’ve already received this letter, call Clear Business today on 0161 552 6311 to talk about your options. They are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5.30pm.

If you’ve not yet received the renewal letter, we can still talk to you about your options.

When will I receive my bills?

Your energy bills will look a little different. You’ll see both a Clear Business and Yü Energy logo on your bill, like you can see above. Your bill will be sent by Yü Energy in the first week of the month.

How do I make payment?

Paying by Direct Debit? Payments for your electricity and/or gas services will now be collected by Yü Energy, as the licensed supplier of your business energy. If you’ve got any questions about your Direct Debit, please call Yü Energy’s customer service team on 0115 865 6693 and they will be happy to help you.

If you only take electricity and/or gas services, the Direct Debit will automatically be collected by Yü Energy. We’ll take care of this for you, there’s nothing you need to do. Your bank may notify you of the change. For your peace of mind, here’s a copy of the Yü Energy Direct Debit Guarantee:

The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits:

  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Yü Energy will notify you 7 calendar days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Yü Energy to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

  • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Yü Energy or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society – If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Yü Energy asks you to.

  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Paying by BACs?

You need to make sure that future payments relating to your electricity and/or gas services are made directly to Yü Energy. 


These are the details you’ll need when making the payment:  

Account Number: 11029711  
Bank Sort Code: 16-16-18  
Reference: Your Yü Energy account number

We will send you a welcome pack, which includes your new account number, once your account has been transferred.

Want to pay by Direct Debit?

This is the easiest way to pay your bills. If you’d like to pay by Direct Debit moving forward, simply fill out the Direct Debit form on our website by clicking: here.

I have other products from Clear Business, what happens?

If you have other products from Clear Business, you’ll need to set up a separate Direct Debit with Yü Energy for your electricity and/or gas services. You can do this here.

Clear Business will continue to send you monthly bills for the other services they provide you with and will collect your Direct Debits for those services. If you need to set up a Direct Debit with Clear Business, you can do this here.

My account is currently in debit with Clear Business for my electricity and/or gas services, will I still owe that money?

Any outstanding balance for your electricity and/or gas services due to Clear Business will be transferred to Yü Energy at the same time or shortly after your electricity and/or gas services. Payment will then be collected by Yü Energy. If there’s a delay in the transfer of any outstanding balance from Clear Business to Yü Energy, your first bill from Yü Energy might be lower than usual, but this will be corrected in the next bill.

My account is currently in credit with Clear Business for my electricity and/or gas services, can I request a refund?

You’ll need to speak to Clear Business about that. Simply call the team on 0333 014 3131, they’re available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

How do I contact customer services?

You’ll need to speak to our team at Yü Energy. You can contact us on 0115 865 6693.

We’re available between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you take any other services from Clear Business, such as telecoms, broadband, mobile, water or payments, you should call them on 0161 552 6311. They’re available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

I have an existing complaint with Clear Business about my electricity and/or gas services who do I speak to about this?

Giving you the best service is important to us. If you have an existing complaint about your electricity and/or gas service with Clear Business, they will continue to deal with it for you. If you have a complaint about your service once you’ve transferred to Yü Energy, we will be happy to help. You can contact us on 0115 865 6693.

What if I don’t want to move to Yü Energy?

You’re in safe hands with Yü Energy, but we understand that you may not want to switch at this time. If you don’t have an outstanding balance with Clear Business and want to remain with them, let them know. They will continue to supply your service until the end of your fixed term contract, after which you’ll have to arrange to transfer your services away from them. If you have an outstanding balance with Clear Business, your service will move to Yü Energy in accordance with the terms and conditions of your contract.

I’m switching to another supplier (not Yü Energy). Will my switch still go ahead?

If you’re in the process of transferring your services away from Clear Business to another supplier and you’re not in contract or in debt, that’s no problem, the transfer will go ahead as planned. You’ll receive a final bill for services used up to the date the services transferred, which should be paid by the due date shown on the bill. If you pay by Direct Debit, please do not cancel the Direct Debit mandate until the final payment has been made.

I’m moving out of my premises, who do I tell?

You’ll need to let both Clear Business and Yü Energy know. The easiest way to do this is online at:; and

Will I be required to get a smart meter?

If you’re eligible for a smart meter, Yü Energy will be in touch to arrange an appointment to get a smart meter installed at your premises. If you want to read more about the benefits of smart meters for businesses, we have a blog on the subject which you can read at If you’d like to learn more about the process for installing a smart meter, simply visit

Who will be processing my personal data?

Both Clear Business and Yü Energy will be what’s known as “data controllers”. If you have any questions about how your personal information will be used by Clear Business and/or Yü Energy, take a look at Clear Business’s privacy policy at and Yü Energy’s privacy policy at

What if I have further questions or want to speak to someone about this?

We understand you may have questions regarding this new partnership, and we want to assure you that your supply will not be disrupted.

Our teams are working hard behind the scenes to ensure the transition is as seamless as possible, whilst ensuring we are keeping you informed as we progress.

If you’ve not found the answer to your question above, or if you have any further questions regarding the new partnership, you can contact either the team at Yü Energy or Clear Business:

Yü Energy: 0115 865 6693. We’re here Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Clear Business: 0333 014 3131. They’re available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Account charges

There’s a few changes to some charges outside of your energy pricing. We’ve highlighted a few of these charges below:

£7.50 per bill/letter for each letter received through the post.

£20.00 per month for payments made by BACs payment.

Credit card processing fee incurs a 2.172% fee and a £1.80 service charge.

A full list of additional charges can be viewed at

Our friendly team are on hand to answer your queries.
Please fill in the form below.

Send us an enquiry

If you have an account number, please provide it in the form below so we can deal with your query as quickly as possible.

Are you an existing customer? *
Category *
Sub Category *

Make a complaint

Please fill out the form below if you want to make a complaint. We’ll work to resolve your situation as quickly as possible and will get back to you within 10 working days.

For more information. please refer to our Complaints Handling Policy

Are you an existing customer? *
Category *
Sub Category *

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