Whether you’ve just moved into a new premises, or you need some support relating to your energy bills, it’s important to know just who your business energy supplier is. Your energy supplier will be your first port of call for any energy-related enquiries, from paying your bills to submitting your meter readings, so it’s always important to check your electricity and gas supplier.
Who is My Energy Supplier and What Do They Do?
An energy supplier bridges the gap between energy generators and consumers. They buy energy at wholesale prices and sell it to their customers via energy contracts. These prices can either be fixed or variable, based on your consumption and the fluctuation of market prices.
Depending on who you choose for your energy supplier, they may also offer additional services. For example, at Yü Energy, we offer multi-fuel plans and renewable energy contracts as well as EV Charging and smart meter installation.
For more information on how energy suppliers fit into the energy network, check out our guide on how energy supply in the UK works.

How Can I Check My Electricity and Gas Suppliers?
If you have recently moved into a new premises, or if you are due to move into a new premises, the best way to find your supplier is to reach out to the previous occupier or your landlord. You should also check your post, as you may have received a letter from your supplier.
You may also be able to find your supplier using your meter point reference number (MPRN) for gas, or your meter point administration number (MPAN) for electricity. These numbers are different to your customer number, and act as unique identifiers for your property. If you’re unsure of what they are, you can usually find these numbers on your recent bills.
Alternatively, you can enter your postcode on Find My Supplier to find your gas supplier or contact your local distribution company, who will be able to help you find your electricity supplier.
How Can I Switch Energy Supplier?
Switching energy supplier can help businesses secure a better deal for their energy or find a supplier that offers more suitable plans and extra services.
Before you can change your energy supplier, you will need to check if you are able to switch. For example, if you are in the middle of a contract or have any outstanding balance due on your account, you will not be able to switch until this is resolved.
You can switch supplier without incurring any fees or penalties once you enter your ‘switching window’ which in most cases, is within the last 49 days of your contract. This is the time when you can begin ‘shopping’ around for a new supplier and gathering quotes to compare deals from different suppliers.
If you are a microbusiness, the rules may be slightly different, with more regulations in place to protect your business and allow flexibility of switching. For more information, check out our guides on switching your business energy supplier.

How Do I Choose My Energy Supplier?
Once you’ve found your current supplier and checked that you’re eligible to switch, you can start looking for a new supplier. Remember not to rush into a contract and take the time to compare quotes from different suppliers, looking at the types of contracts and tariffs they offer. It is also important to check the contract terms and conditions, looking for things such as cancellation fees and cooling off periods.
Before settling on a supplier, have a look at their website. Do they have a live chat feature and an extensive support section to help you if you need it? Do they offer any extra services such as multi-fuel plans or green energy?

Who Should I Contact in an Emergency?
In case of emergencies, it is important that you know who your energy supplier is and have the correct contact details for them and any other relevant services who may need to assist you. Once you’ve identified your supplier, make sure you write down any emergency contact details and keep them to hand in case of any issues.
For electrical emergencies, such as loss of power, contact your Distribution Network Operator (DNO). If you are unsure who your DNO is, you can find them here.
For gas emergencies, such as smelling gas, or to report a gas explosion or fire, you should call the National Gas Service immediately on 0800 111 999.
For a full list of numbers or more information about what to do in case of electric, gas and water emergencies, visit the ‘emergencies’ section of our support page.